By the time the popcorn
is salted and and transferred to a big blue bowl, there are six youth which in the next hour multiples into thirty-five, twelve to twenty-one year old's laughing, singing, eating popcorn and talking outside
my Hut. Oh yeah, it’s Friday youth night!
Youth group officially
started just three weeks ago. It’s been amazing! Many of the youth who have come are the junior counselors and
older kids from the camp we had in June.
After a game of UNO or watching a bit of the ‘Sound of
Music’ everyone has arrived and gets as close to
the fire as possible, then we
begin to look into God’s word together. The past few weeks we have been talking
about what it means to be a believer/ follower of Jesus.
I turn my head lamp so that I can see the notes in my Bible and begin to talk about the cost of following Christ. When Jesus
said “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” to his disciples, they left
everything behind, gave up all, stopped living for this world and followed
Jesus. And He made them ‘fishers of men.’ Their lives radically changed from
the medial to the radical, from the necessary to survive to the purposeful life
of trust, from a life of ability and control to one of suffering and complete
reliance! To be true follower of Jesus in Didinga culture
(Well, in any) is very costly and yet precious beyond belief!
The hunger for God’s word among these youth, at this time,
is just incredible! Many of them are involved in three different Bible studies
every week and eager for more!
The other night around the fire I heard of few of the boys talking about what they learned at youth night, the subject that night was sexual purity, so hearing these teenage boys talk Joseph who ran from Potiphar's wife and about how they
could be pure made me smile at the work God is doing in their hearts!
Pray for these youth, who at this time seem so hungry for
truth, pray for them!
And pray for me, that I would share God’s word accurately,
passionately and effectively and not be afraid!